CSS Boilerplate by 9elements

Styling turbo tables

🎛️ Variables

Set up custom properties for colors, font sizes, and spacing. Ensure that you follow the naming pattern used in this boilerplate. Variables are defined in _variables.css.

Consider using flexible values instead of static ones. ⚠️ Please avoid using Pixels!

🎨 Basic styling

Utilize the cascade instead of working against it. Define basic styling for the project in the _base.css file. This includes overall line height, font-family, etc.

🥞 Everything is stacked

Minimize the use of margins. Margins should be applied through layout classes. For vertical spacing, employ stack classes like stack-m, stack-xl etc.

🧳 Utility classes are fine

If you want to use utility classes, that's fine. We already have two in place: one is an sr-only class to hide text from sighted users, and the other is a simple uppercase utility to transform text to uppercase.

📐 Layout examples



--auto-grid-min-size: 16rem;
--auto-grid-max-columns: infinity; (--> no max columns)
--auto-grid-gap: 1rem;
--auto-grid-gap-vertical: (defaults to --auto-grid-gap)



--centerflex-threshold: 50rem;
--centerflex-gap: 1rem;
--centerflex-gap-vertical: (defaults to --centerflex-gap)



--cluster-justification: flex-start;
--cluster-gap: 1rem;
--cluster-gap-vertical: (defaults to --cluster-gap)


Grid switcher


--gs-columns-small: 1;
--gs-columns-medium: 2;
--gs-columns-large: 4;
--gs-bp-medium: 25rem;
--gs-bp-large: 50rem;
--gs-gap: 1rem;
--gs-gap-vertical: (defaults to --gs-gap)

Sidebar (sidebar-left and sidebar-right)


--sidebar-width: 20rem;
--sidebar-threshold: 50%;
--sidebar-gap: 1rem;
--sidebar-gap-vertical: (defaults to --sidebar-gap)

Linked Teaser – Code Example

This is the headline

Make sure to not link the whole thing. Instead have a hidden link, that is positioned on top of everything else.

More on: This is the headline

This is the headline

Make sure to not link the whole thing. Instead have a hidden link, that is positioned on top of everything else.

More on: This is the headline

This is the headline

Make sure to not link the whole thing. Instead have a hidden link, that is positioned on top of everything else.

More on: This is the headline

👿 Never ever do this: